A collection of some of my Infographics


The last couple of years, infographics have captured the attention of marketers and designers alike. This has been quite the learning curve. I’ve tried to include some form of graphic action into mine, whether from image, texture or text, it is simply directing of the eye to convey the message.
It’s a tricky thing and I sometimes wish I could go back and readdress the scale of the images or weight of the text, but really, you have one shot. The numbers have changed the moment you publish and it’s time to completely start again.
Sometimes it’s faster to convey an idea by image. People don’t always read the message as much as get the feeling of the message’s importance. The colours have to be carefully chosen to blend with or avoid politics.
The quick impression and the visual adhesion of the concept to the viewer are fleeting. You have a fraction of a second to grab the attention of the viewer, if they even come across your message aside the thousands of images we see every day.
The infographic is a summation of ideas and numbers into a quick sale to a fickle and fleeting public.

[click image to view gallery]

Illustrating Housing for Fun and Profile

Montage of houses from across Canada for CREA
Montage of houses from across Canada for CREA website 2015-17

On the 2015-17 marketing site for The Canadian Real Estate CREA.ca, was my montage of various houses from across Canada.

It was an interesting exercise. Besides the vectored houses and buildings, I even pushed the trees into vector, then back to Photoshop to crisp the edges and colours. The trees reflecting in the windows added to the realism.The diminishing colour contrast gives the depth.

I was hoping I could work on the next version for the next update, with a little more time for composition. It was a mad rush to get this one done. However, life got in the way and I had to move on from CREA.

Click on the images to see a larger version

The Real Estate of Things Illustrated

blue house

I worked for The Canadian Real Estate Association doing web and sometimes I get to do my illustrator thing.

Mostly Illustrator vectoring buildings the with some Photoshop to fade and blend, I work the pieces into shape and then into place. The maps were all redrawn in vector to allow for easy perspective adjustments as smart objects in Photoshop assembly. This one is no longer used, but was on the footer of the realtor.ca site for a couple of years, 2015-17. It repeated along the bottom edge to allow for larger screens. It was dropped with the new 6.0 version of REALTOR.ca, but had over 2 years of exposure.


It was re-purposed for a blog on the NEWS2Me newsletter, entitled “Let it Shine”, with glowing pushpins.
