…brings May flowers.

Out for a walk taking and some spring flower photos.

I’ve been playing with camera settings for more vibrance, but each day I find so much more to learn.

Sometimes just trying makes a bad day better.

…and a little Photoshop filtering and an added frame test.

The Fall of 2020 in Colour

berries in a blue sky
one pumpkin
purple and white mums
warty pumpkin
apples at the market
pumokin and mums
pumpkin row
drying red berries
white pumkin and squash
small red rose
purple flower

Here’s a collection of photos from a walk-about mid October.

Ottawa’s Museum of Nature – Butterflies

I had the opportunity to visit the exhibit before the museum closed before the March break, due to Covid-19. Here are some of my pictures, for those who couldn’t make it before it closed.