Garbage In, Garbage Out

An oldie but a goodie, “Garbage In, Garbage Out” animated cartoon  GIF showing what goes in to a computer as garbage, will come out as garbage.

Grab the animated gif at

This animated GIF was made several years ago for a client for a PowerPoint slideshow for a bit of a humourous break in the presention. When I put it on my old web site I actually got several hits and people from the US and England asked if they could use it. Well by all means, please do. And if anybody out there is looking to use it, go ahead and get the link from the giphy address, just drop me an email and mention your country. I’d kind of like to map its progress.

Illustrating Housing for Fun and Profile

Montage of houses from across Canada for CREA
Montage of houses from across Canada for CREA website 2015-17

On the 2015-17 marketing site for The Canadian Real Estate, was my montage of various houses from across Canada.

It was an interesting exercise. Besides the vectored houses and buildings, I even pushed the trees into vector, then back to Photoshop to crisp the edges and colours. The trees reflecting in the windows added to the realism.The diminishing colour contrast gives the depth.

I was hoping I could work on the next version for the next update, with a little more time for composition. It was a mad rush to get this one done. However, life got in the way and I had to move on from CREA.

Click on the images to see a larger version